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Bb Tuba LBB 684-4  – Moldau –

Bb Tuba LBB 684-4 – Moldau –

On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Josef Lídl workshop, we present the new Bb tuba series –Moldau–. It consists of three models in 4/4 size and traditional construction, which vary in their playing and sound characteristics and impress with their handiness and light weight. They can be used in symphonic wind orchestras as well as in small ensembles.

  • Specifications

    Key: Bb Tuba

    Size: 4/4 size

    Valves: 4 rotary valves – original Minibal joints

    Material: Lacquered yellow brass

    Bore: ø 21.2 mm

    Bell: ø 420 mm

    Height: 925 mm (36,4")

    Weight: 8300 g (18,2 lbs)

    Mouthpipe: Nickel silver lead pipe

    Finish: Lacquered

    Water key on tuning slide, nickel silver valves, outer slides

    Outfit: Silver-plated mouthpiece, cloth, T1 La Tromba® Oil, Gig-Bag

  • Models

    Bb tuba 684 Moldau M (medium gold brass leadpipe) has an easy and centered response, comfortable airflow and a powerful, resonant tone. Also available with nickel silver bell rim (LBB 684-4 MR).

    Bb tuba 684 Moldau L (large nickel silver leadpipe) has a large, dark and symphonic sound. This tuba allows all dynamics and meets professional demands. Also available with nickel silver bell rim (LBB 684-4 LR)



Josef Lídl, s.r.o.

Pražská třída 686/12

Hradec Králové 500 04

Česká republika
Tel .: +420731224104


DIČ: CZ44964277

IČO: 44964277

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Arnold Stölzel GmbH
Rostocker Straße 18-20
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